JAKARTA - The volume of discharge of the water level of the Ciliwung River at Manggarai Water Gate, Menteng District, Central Jakarta had reached standby status 3 on Wednesday morning, January 31.

Petugas operator pintu air Manggarai, Elang Bayu Merapi mengatakan, ketinggian status standby 3 di pintu air Manggarai disebabkan karena adanya intensitas hujan yang cukup tinggi di wilayah Manggarai.

"The rain has a long duration, starting at 3 am Manggarai starting to experience an increase in water level at 4 am with a height of 680 and entering standby 3 at 7 am with a water level of 765," Elang told reporters, Wednesday, January 31.

However, as the rain subsided, the flow of water at the Manggarai floodgates also experienced a decrease in the water level. The previously rising volume of water has gradually receded.

"As of 8 o'clock, it has started to recede, yes, there are 4 more on standby at 745. Now it has gradually dropped to 740 again," he said.

The high water level at the Manggarai floodgates on Wednesday morning was due to local rain. Meanwhile, regarding preparations for the rainy season, officers will maintain the facilities and infrastructure at the Manggarai floodgates.

"If there is a significant water level, we will narrow the report on the water level from once an hour, to half an hour or once every 15 minutes. (the appeal) for all residents of DKI Jakarta, especially those living on the banks of the Ciliwung river, it would be better to increase awareness of floods, at any time the water can rise from local rain or delivery from upstream," he said.

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