The Capital Authority of the Archipelago (OIKN) revealed that the progress of the first phase of IKN development in East Kalimantan as a whole has reached 71.47 percent. "Based on data from the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), there are so-called stages (batch) I, those are development contracts that have started before 2023," said OIKN Head Bambang Susantono in Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday, January 30. The first phase of development includes the construction of the Presidential Palace at IKN, then the National Axis whose construction has approached 100 percent. "For the National Medicine, there will be one Memorial Park. Memorial Park is a place where we do, for example, awards to the founders of the Republic of Indonesia, heroes and so on," said Bambang. Usually, he continued, if in Jakarta when there is a visit, state guests bring bouquets of flowers which are then placed in the Heroes Cemetery. Meanwhile, later at IKN, state guests when visiting can pay their respects to the founders of the Republic of Indonesia and the heroes at Memorial Park. "So we made Memorial Park. Memorial Park will have statues of Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta, the founder of our country," said Bambang. Then at IKN there will also be a flag hill in order to generate nationalism and eternal fire that will guard Indonesia's spirit in the future, especially if Indonesia wants to achieve the 2045 Golden Indonesia Vision. "Hopefully it can raise nationalism, because there is a giant flagpole on the flagpole, the Red and White flagpole. Then on the left side there will be one large statue of the founders of our nation, namely Soekarno-Hatta," he said. Bambang added that this was being finalized, especially the design with directions from the design curator, Ridwan Kamil. For information, the Ministry of PUPR has started the construction of Memorial Park in IKN as a tribute to the nation's heroes. Memorial Park IKN was built in an integrated manner with the 12 hectares Civil and Land Plaza Nusantara area which utilizes the second highest point at KIPP IKN after the Presidential Palace. Apart from Memorial Park, in the Beranda Nusantara area, Bukit Flag, Civilization Museum, and Beranda Nusantara buildings will also be built, connected to the forest trail that carries the concept of diversity in Indonesian territory.
Memorial Park IKN was built with a monumental concept depicting “ broken egg ” the long struggle that resulted in the independence of the Indonesian nation through the heroes of the proclaimers Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta. The proclaimer figure is manifested in a statue with an egg shell and an 18-meter high Garuda bird that tells about his passion and thoughts in fighting for the independence of the Indonesian nation.

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