The Mataram District Attorney did not detain a legislative candidate with the initials NKS who is a suspect in an alleged election crime case for distributing rice and photo stickers of himself as a contestant for the 2024 General Election. "We are not detaining the person concerned because of the threat of one year in prison," said Mataram District Attorney spokesman, West Nusa Tenggara, Harun Al Rasyid in Mataram, Antara, Tuesday, January 30. He said this was following up on the results of the active delegation of suspects and evidence or stage two from the police investigators to the public prosecutor at the Mataram Prosecutor's Office. "Yes, it has just finished phase two of the investigators. That's why we did not detain the person concerned," he said. Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Mataram City Police, Kompol I Made Yogi Purusa Utama, also confirmed the second phase of the delegation. "We carried out the second phase of the delegation at the Mataram Kejari Office," said Yogi. He explained that this delegation was part of the handling of election criminal cases under the control of the Mataram City Integrated Law Enforcement Center (Gakkumdu). "So, our investigators who delegated phase two are members of the Gakkumdu Center. We will submit the second stage accompanied by the Mataram City Bawaslu and the suspect's attorney," he said. Investigators carried out phase two after the case file material belonging to the suspect NKS was declared complete by the research prosecutor on Monday, January 29. At the investigation stage, Yogi also explained that investigators did not detain NKS, given the threat of punishment from the suspected criminal under the prison year. "No, we are holding it because the threat is 1 year in prison. In accordance with the provisions, criminal threats under 5 years of imprisonment are not carried out," he said.
In determining NKS as a suspect, investigators applied Article 523 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 280 paragraph (1) letter J of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections.

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