JAKARTA - Iranian officials have denied accusations that they were behind drone attacks on US troop positions in Jordan.

Three United States soldiers were killed and 34 others were killed as a result of a drone attack on a US military post in Jordan close to the Syrian border. This attack was attributed to Iran

"These claims were made with specific political aims to reverse the existing realities in the region," reported Iranian news agency IRNA, citing Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani, as reported by The Times of Israel, January 29.

Previously, US President Joe Biden in his statement said the attack was carried out by a radical militant group operating in Syria and Iraq which is supported by Iran.

"While we are still gathering the facts regarding this attack, we know that it was carried out by an Iran-backed radical militant group operating in Syria and Iraq," said President Biden, quoted by CNN.

Uncle Sam promised to "hold accountable all responsible parties at a time and in a manner of our choosing." President Biden called his fallen soldiers “patriots,” praised their bravery, and expressed his sorrow, saying it was a “despicable and completely unjust attack.”

"Together, we will maintain the sacred obligations we owe to their families. We will strive to be worthy of their honor and courage. We will continue their commitment to fighting terrorism," he stressed.

Iran's Permanent Representative to the UN also denied the connection.

"The representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the UN on Sunday evening told IRNA that Iran had nothing to do with and had nothing to do with the attack on the US base," the IRNA report said.

Separately, an umbrella organization of Iran-backed militant groups claimed attacks on three bases, including one on the Jordan-Syria border.

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