The Banjarmasin Police arrested an intercity driver between provinces, aka AKAP, as well as a suspected narcotics dealer with the initials RB (52) with evidence that was secured by 319.89 grams of crystal methamphetamine.

Head of the Narcotics Investigation Unit of the Banjarmasin Police, Kompol Bala P Dewa, said that RB was arrested at his residence in the Graha Alam Manap Complex, Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan, on Monday, January 22 at around 23.00 WITA.

"The perpetrator also has a place to live in the Kel. Lok Bahu area, Kec. Kunjang River, Samarinda City, East Kalimantan Province," said Baladi Banjarmasin, Friday, January 26, confiscated by Antara.

Based on chronology, Bala explained that the Banjarmasin Police carried out raids on the perpetrator's house because according to information obtained by RB, it was suspected that he often circulated and carried out drug transactions.

When his house was searched, 25 packages of methamphetamine evidence were found weighing 319.89 grams, two pink inex ecstasy pills and digital scales and other evidence.

"The work of the RB perpetrator is as a driver and he has two residences in Samarinda, East Kalimantan and in Kertak, only South Kalimantan, maybe the driver is cross-provincial," said Bala.

He said, based on RB's confession, the evidence belonged to someone else.

"We still secure RB along with evidence and this case continues to be developed by members in the field," he said.

The results of the interim examination, RB was named a suspect because based on the rules of every person without rights or against the law, he owns, keeps, controls, or provides narcotics class I, not plants weighing more than the gram gran as referred to in article 112 paragraph (2) of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

Bala ensured that based on this arrest, his party would further explore whether it was related to the network and other suspects. "We ask for support from the public to be able to provide information if they know that there is drug trafficking in their area," he said.

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