Surabaya City Police Traffic Unit (Polrestabes) Surabaya officially prohibits two-wheeled vehicles (R2) from crossing the Mayangkara Bridge from the south or Sidoarjo (Jalan Ahmad Yani to Jalan Wonokromo) after coordinating with the Surabaya City Transportation Service (Dishub).

Head of Surabaya Police Traffic Unit AKBP Arif Fazlurrahman, said the policy was taken after an accident that killed a motorcyclist from Sidoarjo at the Mayangkara Bridge.

"Actually, the closure was carried out two days ago and the entry ban sign from the south or Sidoarjo has been installed," said Arif as quoted by ANTARA, January 26.

Currently, his party will continue to socialize to road users on Jalan Ahmad Yani and vehicles from the direction of Surabaya to Sidoarjo.

"We will carry out socialization for the next week. Two-wheeled vehicles have been prohibited from riding or crossing the Mayangkara Bridge 24 hours," said Arif.

Arif explained that the accident that occurred on the Mayangkara Bridge in a period of one year was only once, but it resulted in quite a high fatality of accidents.

"If the accident data for one year is only once, because the fatality is very high. So we take the middle way, vehicles from the south can pass below, because the road capacity is still sufficient," said Arif.

Meanwhile, two-wheeled vehicles from the north (Wokromo Street to Ahmad Yani Street) will be arranged according to traffic congestion.

"motor drivers from the north will still have discretion according to time," he said.

Previously, a motorcyclist was declared dead after an accident with a four-wheeled vehicle on Mayangkara Bridge, Wonokromo Street, Surabaya.

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