Take A Peek At The Work And Function Of Policewomen, 6 Little Journalists Visit The Magelang Police
6 Little Jurnaslis At Magelang Police/ Photo: Doc. Magelang Police

MAGELANG - In order to increase the closeness of the police with students and children, the Magelang Police received a visit from a child journalist from MI Ma'arif Gunungring, Muntilan. A total of 6 young journalists were received in the Media Center room of the Magelang Police, Wednesday, January 24.

The Head of Magelang Police for the Central Java Police, KBP Mustofa, represented by the Head of Subunit 1 Unit 3 of the Magelang Police Satreskrim, Ipda Isti Wulandari, received the MI student amicably and gently.

Accompanied by members of the Sie Humas Polresta Magelang Brigadier Dea Fernanda, Ipda Isti Wulandari explained about the visit and what the child journalists wanted to know.

"Child journalists want to know in general the main tasks of the National Police. Especially the Policewomen (Women Police) regarding their daily duties and how they work," explained Ipda Isti Wulandari.

During the visit, Ipda Isti Wulandari explained a lot about the duties of Polri members. Also answered questions from child journalists regarding Polwan and his duties.

Meanwhile, the journalistic coach of MI Ma'arif Gunungpring, Hernadi Sasmoyo Aji, who accompanied the children, revealed the purpose of a visit to the Magelang Police.

"The purpose of this visit is to introduce the police profession, especially Polwan, to the students," said Hernadi Sasmoyo Aji.

Both Ipda Isti and Hernadi Sasmoyo hope that the close relationship between the Magelang Police and MI Ma'arif Gunungring students will be an illustration for children. So as not to view Polri members as a frightening figure.

"This visit is also expected to inspire students to have aspirations to become members of the police, especially Polwan," concluded Ipda Isti.

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