JAKARTA - Campaign props (APK) that violate the rules in Central Jakarta will be brought under control by joint officers on Friday, January 19, evening. Control will be carried out along Jalan Salemba Raya to Flyover Senen Atrium.

Central Jakarta KPU commissioner, Sahar Dohar Manullang, said the issue of the installation of APK in a number of locations had disturbed the public because it triggered traffic accidents in a number of locations.

"Some of the people have also provided official reports regarding the APK," he said, Friday, January 19.

According to Sahar, the rules regarding open campaigns starting from November 28, 2023 to February 10, 2024, have discussed regulations regarding locations that are prohibited from installing APKs such as places of worship, government building facilities and schools.

In addition, the DKI Jakarta KPU has also set a ban on placing APKs on JPOs and Flyovers.

He continued, especially what has developed recently is that the installation of the APK on JPO has exceeded the width of the cross section, covering the views and installation of the APK on Flyover using large wood.

According to him, this has the potential to endanger people who pass, such as the incident at the Mampang Flyover and West Jakarta.

"For example, if you fall off, imagine falling on a pedestrian. That's why we really support the initiation of the City Government to hold this meeting," he said.

The Central Jakarta City Government together with the organizers, participants and supervisors of the 2024 General Election held a meeting at the Central Jakarta General Election Command Post, Friday, January 19.

The meeting discussed the improvement and control of campaign props (APK) for the 2024 General Election which violated the rules, was damaged and endangered the road user community.

The Coordinator of the Central Jakarta Bawaslu Data and Information Violation Handling Division, Dimas, ensured that his staff up to the sub-district level were ready to support activities.

"What we will regulate is of course those who violate election rules, Tibum Regional Regulations and their conditions are damaged and have the potential to trigger accidents," he said.

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