JAKARTA - Former Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Firli Bahuri, has fulfilled an additional summons as a suspect in the alleged extortion case against former Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police. Firli Bahuri arrived at around 08.36 WIB. He appeared to be wearing a white shirt. Not many statements made from Firli Bahuri's mouth. It is only said that he will undergo a scheduled examination. "We will just participate in (the investigation process)," Firli told reporters while walking into the Bareskrim Polri building, Friday, January 19. Confirmed separately, the Director of Special Criminal Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak said that the examination process against Firli Bahuri was already underway. The chairman of the KPK for the 2019-2023 period is said to have started being questioned to complete the case file since 09.00 WIB.." It has arrived at the Criminal Investigation Unit at around 08.00 WIB and began to be investigated on the suspect FB pada at 09.00 WIB," said Ade.

Firli is known to have been questioned six times. Two of them were when Firli Bahuri was still a witness, precisely on October 26 and November 16. For the remaining examination when the former chairman of the KPK was a suspect. Firli Bahuri was asked for the exact information on December 1, December 6, December 27, January 19.

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