MPU Aceh Reminds People Not To Be Too Fanatic: Don't Let Gontok-gontokkan

The Aceh Ulema Consultative Council (MPU) appealed to the public not to be too fanatical about one of the candidates participating in the 2024 General Election so that unwanted things do not occur.

"But what is very important is that before February 14, 2024, no one will get stuck, fanaticism is excessive," said Aceh MPU Chairperson Tgk Faisal Ali alias Lem Faisal, in Aceh Besar, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, January 18.

It is better, said Lem Faisal, to prioritize an attitude that brings peace and peace in the community. Don't be noisy and divided.

"We need to protect the community, don't let this political moment make us divided and make us not stay in touch," he said.

Lem Faisal also reminded the Indonesian people, especially Aceh, not to be included in white people (golput) or not to choose.

He invited all people to choose leaders by visiting the polling stations (TPS) on election day on February 14, 2023.

"No one has a goal, both voters. Give choices according to what is already in our conscience, we hope for that," he said.

"safe," said Lem Faisal.

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