JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) held a Anti-Corruption Strengthening program for State Administrators with Integrity or Paku Integrity for presidential candidates (candidates) and vice presidential candidates (cawapres) on Wednesday night, January 17. The three pairs of candidates will attend. This activity was carried out at 18.30 WIB. Meanwhile, KPK Chairman Nawawi Pomolango said this activity had received the blessing of the General Elections Commission (KPU). "“We have received a kind of blessing from the election organizers, namely the KPU to organize the activity because these three pairs, indeed there is a domain of KPU power. If the KPU says it can't, then it can't, we can't live it," said Nawawi in a KPK RI YouTube broadcast quoted Wednesday, January 17. Nawawi said the candidate pairs would not argue in PAKU Integrity. The anti-corruption commission will start the event by conveying problems and obstacles in handling corruption cases. "The format is not in the form of a debate earlier, about the name that my friend mentioned earlier that I once said that the question for the coach was just death," he said.
"So there is no such format, such as debate, we make sure it doesn't exist. Then, not also program complaints, no, we mean the forum, the institution wants to convey to candidates, any problems, what obstacles we find in efforts to eradicate corruption," continued Nawawi. Similarly, the Head of the KPK News Section, Ali Fikri, stated that his party would explain the current conditions in efforts to eradicate corruption. “ As for the need for institutional strengthening of the KPK, so we need the commitment of each presidential and vice presidential candidate candidate related to the efforts to eradicate corruption," concluded Ali.

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