JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo is optimistic that the ceremony to commemorate the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia can be held in the capital city of the archipelago (IKN) on August 17, 2024.

This was stated by the President in the National Advertisement, IKN Region, East Kalimantan Province, after conducting a review and laying of the first stone for the construction of a number of infrastructures.

"I am optimistic that God willing, on August 17, 2024, we will be able to hold a ceremony for the independence day of the Republic of Indonesia in the capital city of the archipelago," said the President as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 17.

The Head of State said that the development of IKN development continues to show good results, which are marked by the increasing number of investments entering IKN. One of them is the Jambuluwuk Nusantara Hotel, which today began with a groundbreaking by President Jokowi.

"Earlier, we have laid the first stone for the Jambuluwuk Hotel, this hotel and resort. This is the sixth hotel and resort and we hope that all of them can start and complete their construction as quickly as possible," said the President.

In addition, President Jokowi also welcomed the construction of a logistics hub by PT Pos Indonesia in collaboration with PT Bina Karya. According to the President, this will complement the facilities and infrastructure that are not yet available in IKN.

"This means that there are now logistical matters that have handled them, namely Pos Indonesia and Bina Karya. I think the additions that are not yet available will add facilities, add accommodation for guests who will visit the capital city of Nusantara," said the President.

President Jokowi said that in the future there will be 8 to 10 projects that will be laid on the first stone every month. According to him, many investors are queuing to build on IKN.

"Actually, there are many queues but they also need to be verified, it needs to be filtered according to the needs in the capital city of the archipelago," he added.

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