The Surabaya City Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP), sent MP (16) to the rehabilitation of the Menur Surabaya Rehabilitation Mental Hospital (RSJ) to help the teenager, to immediately recover from addiction.

The head of the Surabaya City Satpol PP, M Fikser, said that MP was secured by officers while attaching glue in 10 November Park. When reached, MP was unconscious due to the influence of glue.

"During the patrol, our officer met MP hanging out in the park, had run away, but we managed to secure it," said M Fikser, Wednesday, January 17.

Officers secured evidence in the form of two cans of glue. In addition to collecting data at the Surabaya Satpol PP office, MP also underwent a urine test.

"Kami data, kami juga lakukan pendampingan dan outreach pada MP ini, untuk antisipasi kami juga lakukan tes urine," katanya.

From the results of the urine test, MP was positive for Napza (Narcotics, Psychotropics and other Addictive Substances). So that the Surabaya Satpol PP sent MP to the rehabilitation center for serious treatment.

"From the results of the urine test, he (MP) was positive for Napza, so we cooperated with the Health Service (Dinkes) to take MP to rehabilitation to Napza at the Menur Hospital in accordance with the program from the Surabaya City Health Office so that he could recover," he said.

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