JAKARTA - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Saturday stated that there was a relationship between migration and attack activities like what happened in the German Christmas market recently.

"Such cases are no longer an anomaly -- the case has become a routine," he said at an annual press conference in Budapest quoted from Anadolu, Sunday, December 22.

"Such incidents begin with a wave of mass migration. Hungary will not allow itself to become a country where such attacks become commonplace", he said again.

Orban asserted: Brussels (the headquarters of the European Union-ed) cannot turn Hungary into Magdeburg. We will fight against any forced migration regulations, both legally and provocatively. Hungary will always defend itself and its sovereignty.

Separately, in his upload on platform X, Orban expressed his condolences for the loss of life. I would like to express my deepest condolences to Olaf Scholz and the German people for the heinous terrorist attack that occurred on the Christmas market in Magdeburg. We wish the families of the victims.

The death toll from a car attack that hit a crowd at the Christmas market in the city of Magdeburg on Friday night rose to five, with 200 others injured, local officials said.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who visited the site of the attack on Saturday, confirmed a thorough investigation and promised that Germany would respond with full legal force.

The suspect, a 50-year-old Saudi Arabian doctor who has lived in Germany since 2006, was arrested at the scene. The suspect, identified by local media as Taleb A, is reported to have an anti-Islamic view and supports right-wing groups.

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