JAKARTA - Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas asked all people to help each other in every religious holiday commemoration.

"In Islam, there is a teaching from the friend of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, Ali Bin Abi Talib, about this message, those who are not my parents in faith, are my friends in humanity. The brother helps, if there is a celebration, then other brothers can help each other," said Yaqut while attending a Christmas event with the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) at JCC Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, January 15, was confiscated by Antara. The Christmas event with BUMN was also attended by SOE Minister Erick Thohir and Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto. "I am Muslim, Mr. Prabowo and Mr. Erick Muslim, most of us Muslims. We believe that the religion we hold is true, we will never be able to hinder brotherhood between us, I certainly uphold the teachings of my religion, father and mother must also uphold their religious teachings," said Yaqut.

According to him, Indonesian governance has been designed in a pluralistic manner and is full of diversity. "So, we are different in this room, if there is no diversity, there will be no Indonesia," he said.

Untuk itu, ia meminta seluruh umat Kristiani agar merayakan Natal dengan penuh suka cita."Kita semua memaknai Natal ini dengan suka cita dan cara-cara yang diajarkan oleh iman dan agama kita, saya yakin penyelenggaraan Natal BUMN 2023 ini akan terus menginspirasi dan sekaligus mewujudkan pesan damai dan semangat Natal bagi kita semua antara satu dengan lainnya," tuturnya.

Yaqut also emphasized that people can be firm and fight a group of people who are trying to divide the nation. "If there is a group of people who try to make Indonesia no longer heterogeneous, forcing their will to follow their way of thinking, then it means that they want to destroy our Indonesianness. Anyone who destroys our Indonesianness, we are obliged to fight together," he said. before holding the peak event of Christmas celebrations, the Ministry of SOEs has also held social services in 10 regions spread throughout Indonesia, assistance of IDR 1.5 billion in Jabodetabek, as well as holding a video retail competition for employees on Instagram social media.

The theme of this Christmas celebration is "Glory to Allah and Prosperous Peace on Earth", with the sub-themed "Christmas Provides A Spirit of Peace for Us to Continue to Rise and Advance with SOEs".

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