Lava Eruption Of Mount Lewotobi Men Flows 2 Km To The East
Mount Lewotobi Men in East Flores, NTT, Monday (15/1/2024). (ANTARA/HO-PVMBG)

JAKARTA - The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) noted that the lava from Mount Lewotobi Male eruption flowed 1.5-2 kilometers (km) to the northeast in the last six hours. "Observed by lava flow with a sliding distance of 1,500 to 2,000 meters to the northeast," said Mount Lewotobi Male, Fransiskus Desales Molo in an official report received in East Flores, Monday, January 15 evening, confiscated by Antara. From visual observations carried out by officers, moderate to strong pressure crater smoke was observed to be white and gray with moderate to thick intensity and 300 meters high above the crater peak. In addition to lava flow slides, three times the avalanche hot clouds with a sliding distance of 1,000 to 1,500 meters were also observed. Furthermore, avalanches with a sliding distance of 1,500 to 2,000 meters to the northeast. "Accrete activity of the Lewotobi Mountain Male Level IV or Alert," he said.

Dari pengamatan yang ada, PVMBG memberikan rekomendasi agar masyarakat di sekitar Gunung Lewotobi Laki-laki tidak melakukan aktivitas apa pun dalam radius empat kilometer dari pusat erupsi dan sektoral lima kilometer ke arah Barat Laut-Utara dan Timur Laut.Masyarakat diimbau agar tenang dan mengikuti arahan pemerintah daerah serta tidak mempercayai isu-isu yang tidak jelas sumbernya.Apabila terjadi erupsi dan hujan abu, kata dia, masyarakat diingatkan untuk tetap berada di dalam rumah."Kalau di luar rumah gunakan pelindung hidung, masker, dan kacamata," tandasnya.

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