JAKARTA - The Commander of the Young Voters TKN (Fanta), Arief Rosyid Hasan, claims that there are no significant challenges for candidate pairs number 2, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka to attract 22 million young voters in the 2024 presidential election. Because, according to Arief, two other candidate pairs who became Prabowo-Gibran's opponents were dominated by the elderly.

"So actually because the opponents are all parents, there are no significant challenges. Because we really believe that young people will side with people who understand what their needs are, and it only exists in Pak Prabowo-Mas Gibran's pair," said Arief during a press conference at the Media Center TKN Prabowo-Gibran on Jalan Sriwijaya, South Jakarta, Monday, January 15.

With less than 30 days remaining from the voting day for the presidential election, Arief said, TKN, especially TKN, young voters, are thinking hard to reach hundreds of millions of young people. Therefore, since the beginning of the TKN, Fanta built its ecosystem digitally to make it easier.

"We use all of our social media platforms, even our targets, at least all of these young people throughout Indonesia are in number, if the U-40 is 104 million, if the U-44 millennial Gen Z is around 114 million, it is exposed to all this information," he explained.

"And we were targeting it by using social media, yes, to digital, we can pick up 22 million votes to win Mr. Prabowo-Mas Gibran," continued Arief.

Arief is grateful that since TKN Fanta was launched in November, all teams worked hard in the morning until the evening until the last survey showed candidate pair number 2 electability on the young voter base had reached 50-60 percent. In October-November it was at 45-50 percent.

"This means that 10 percent of the additional young people's votes have started to move to Pak Prabowo Mas Gibran, so hopefully if we can get another last release from existing surveys, we have achieved the target we expected, so the argument that we won this fight one round really looks like an impact," he concluded.

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