Presidential Candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo and his wife Siti Atikoh Suprianti participated in the 7.77 Km morning race at the 'Sliwerun Penguin' event, Friday, January 14.

Following this activity, Ganjar admitted that he was happy even though there was a bazaar from Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in agriculture. "I am happy because there is participation from (MSMEs), food security and downstreaming from young farmers," said Ganjar, quoted by Antara.

Ganjar said that the 'Sliwerun' event was the idea of creative young people to communicate the meaning of the 'penguuin' carried by Ganjar-Mahfud towards the 2024 democratic party on February 14.

In this event, Ganjar was accompanied by the Chairman of the TPN Expert Council Ganjar-Mahfud Sandiaga Uno who said that running together was a symbol of Ganjar as a leader who moved quickly to build Indonesia and fought for the small people according to his jargon "sat-set bags".

Sebagai kader PPP, Sandi solid mendukung Ganjar-Mahfud karena keduanya memiliki visi misi yang sama dengan PPP, yakni menyerap aspirasi masyarakat dan memperjuangkannya."Terutama untuk ekonomi rakyat kecil. Itu yang kami perjuangkan di PPP. Dan kami solid tinggal 30 hari lagi, hasilnya optimal bersama Pak Ganjar, sudah melewati 4 persen," kata Sandi yang juga menjabat Ketua Badan Pemenangan Pemilu (Bappilu) PPP.

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