JAKARTA - The Prabowo-Gibran TKN Expert Council, Dradjad Wibowo, said that the commitment of Presidential Candidate number 2, Prabowo Subianto to increase human resources (HR) was on the right track.

This was conveyed by Dradjad in a discussion entitled "Political Economy and New Government Policy" held by the Prabowo-Gibran National Young Entrepreneurs Volunteer (REPNAS) at the TKN Fanta headquarters, Fanta Headquarters, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, January 10.

Dradjad, who is also a senior economist, said that high human resources will become a source of economic growth. Moreover, according to him, Indonesia currently has the age of 29 years of median which is dominated by the millennial generation and generation Z.

"Mr. Prabowo's commitment to improve the competence of our human resources is on the right track. Because there is no developed country without quality human resources," said Dradjad, who is also the former Director of INDEF.

According to Dradjad, the free lunch and milk program launched by Prabowo-Gibran is a concrete manifestation of the government in improving the quality of human resources.

"With the free lunch and milk program, Pak Prabowo has a vision to create equal distribution of nutrition from the womb. This means that the inequality of human resources that has occurred so far due to the economic gap will run low. Because each child has the opportunity to get sufficient nutrition for growth," said the chairman of the PAN Expert Council.

Meanwhile, Deputy Commander of TKN Fanta, Anggawira, emphasized that economic growth in Indonesia requires concrete work, not just discourse and nonsense.

Therefore, he said, the Indonesian Maju National Young Entrepreneurs Volunteers (REPNAS) will focus on the target of winning Prabowo-Gibran in the grassroots area, by holding awareness and workshop discussions.

"We all went out to win Prabowo-Gibran one round. We focused on the target by holding a discussion on awareness and workshops in the grassroots area. Because to increase economic growth, concrete steps are not just discourse," said the Head of the REPNAS.

Young people have to grow up together, move up the class together. This is what our spirit is at Repnas and at TKN Fanta Prabowo-Gibran," added Angga.

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