JAYAPURA - Jayapura District Health Office this year focuses on handling cases of Acute Respiratory Tract Infection (ISPA) in three districts, namely in Sentani, Waibu and Yapsi.
Secretary of the Jayapura District Health Office Edward Sihotang in Sentani, Wednesday, said the spread of ARI is more dominant in areas with large populations such as in Sentani, Waibu and Yapsi Districts.
"Even though we are more focused on treating patients in these three areas, in other districts health workers continue to provide maximum service to ARI and other diseases," he said.
According to him, ISPA in Jayapura Regency is still included in the top 10 dominant diseases during the third quarter of 2023 and so far this has continued to be a serious concern.
"Indeed, ARI is difficult to avoid because of erratic weather changes in Papua, especially in Jayapura and its surroundings, which have caused a high number of cases of the disease," he said.
He explained that based on data on the ISPA case in Jayapura Regency, it was very dominant, reaching 40 percent, while the other 60 percent were divided into various cases of disease.
In addition to ARI, his party also pays serious attention to malaria, which has many cases and is included in the category of deadly disease in Indonesia and even the world.
"IsPA cases, malaria and various other diseases have so far been able to be overcome in 22 health centers in 19 districts in Jayapura Regency with a level of effectiveness of healing or handling nearly 100 percent," he said.
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