Mayor (Walkot) of Depok Mohammad Idris issued Circular Letter (SE) Number 440/07-Dinkes concerning Vigilance of Increasing COVID-19 Cases in Depok City, West Java (West Java).

"This SE was issued to give an appeal to the public because COVID-19 has increased again in the last week of December 2023," said Idris in Depok, Friday, January 5, as reported by Antara.

The SE issued follows up on the SE Director General of Disease Prevention and Control of the Ministry of Health Number: HK.02.02/C/4815/2023, and Circular of the Head of the West Java Provincial Health Office Number: 25902/KS.02.01/P2P concerning Increased Vigilance of Spike in COVID-19 Cases.

The SE, which was signed on January 5, 2024, was published in the middle of the Coronavirus or COVID-19 that has re-emerged.

The SE conveyed a number of appeals, first, the public is expected not to panic and continue to apply health protocols in all activities.

Second, wearing a mask for those who are sick and those in the crowd, as well as people remind each other if they know there is a cold cough condition, but do not wear a mask.

"Third by implementing Clean and Healthy Lifestyle -PHBS-, especially washing hands by using soap in running water or by hand sanitizer," said Idris.

Then, fourthly by checking with health facilities if you have symptoms of fever, cough, runny nose, and/or shortness of breath.

Fifth, for people who test positive for COVID-19 without symptoms or mild symptoms, they should self-isolate for 3-5 days and/or according to the instructions of health workers.

Sixth, completing the COVID-19 vaccination according to the schedule determined for the elderly, adolescents or adults with comorbid or immunocompromised (depletion of endurance) and pregnant women, and can be obtained at the Puskesmas, Regional General Hospital (RSUD), and designated health facilities.

"The seventh, to the sub-district and village heads together with the Puskesmas to monitor the development of COVID-19 cases in their area," he said.

"And eighth, for people who need the Depok City COVID-19 information service, they can contact hotline 119," he said.

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