BUKITTINGGI - Bukittinggi City Police, West Sumatra are hunting for a suspect in a case of smuggling dried marijuana, which was sent by an online motorcycle taxi courier to the Bukittinggi Correctional Institution (Lapas).

"We cannot use the online motorcycle taxi DRiver as a perpetrator because of his job and he does not know that the package is a marijuana type. He was only told to take him to the Bukittinggi prison," said Head of the Bukittinggi Police Narcotics Unit AKP Syafri as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, January 4.

He regretted that the shipment of marijuana to the recipient who was suspected of being one of the inmates could not be revealed because both the recipient of the package and the sender used a pseudonym.

"This is what we regret, if the package is forwarded to the destination address after being examined, then we can make it a suspect for the person receiving it," he said.

The recipient and sender's name was created by the perpetrator with a pseudonym until tracking from this network is difficult to do.

"We from the Narcotics Unit have carried out an in-depth examination of the courier according to his statement but because everything was made a pseudonym, it cannot be determined who the perpetrator was," he said.

According to information from the courier, the package delivery was carried out in the Tigo Baleh area of Bukittinggi City by someone who is still under investigation.

The delivery of marijuana to the Bukittinggi Prison occurred on Wednesday (3/1) which was successfully thwarted by officers from the Class IIA Bukittinggi Penitentiary who were sent by an online motorcycle taxi driver.

"This item was found by officers when checking the items that were about to be deposited with the inmates in the prison in the form of two packs of cigarette boxes containing marijuana," said Head of the Security Administration and Order Section of the Bukittinggi Prison, Afrizal.

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