JAKARTA - Presidential candidate (candidate) number three, Ganjar Pranowo promised to abolish bad credit for farmers, which amounted to Rp600 billion. This was conveyed by Ganjar when launching the Debt Bleaching program in Selapan Wilalung Village, Demak Regency, Central Java today, Tuesday, January 2. The elimination will mainly be focused on farmers who experience disasters. "We calculate that approximately the farmer's bad credit is around Rp600 billion. So we will remove those whose people's business credit (KUR) debt is stuck due to problems, indeed the problem is due to a disaster,” said Ganjar as quoted from his written statement, Tuesday, January 2. Ganjar will ensure that this program will be right on target. Moreover, when it is implemented, checks will be carried out. Including the reason why farmers cannot pay their debts. “ Of course, we will also check, "” said the former Governor of Central Java. “ Which is because of the difficult situation, which is because of bad faith. That's how we help farmers, we are now studying it well so that it happens to fishermen, then the farmers find it difficult. We want to remove it,” he continued. It is known, Ganjar has also mentioned that he will carry out a program to eliminate fishermen's debts whose value reaches Rp. 186 billion. This statement was made during a visit to West Java some time ago. The former Governor of Central Java ensured that he would try to ease the burden on farmers and fishermen if they were elected with Mahfud MD in the 2024 presidential election. This is because these two professions determine the food sovereignty program in the country. "Hopefully the burden of dependents will be lost, the farmers and fishermen will be lighter to work, new hope will open up and become enthusiastic to return to the fields and go to sea again," said Ganjar.
"The government of Ganjar and Mahfud is ready to bear the entire debt of farmers and fishermen," he concluded.

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