Presidential candidate number 1 Anies Baswedan promised to improve the welfare of young teachers throughout Indonesia. In addition, he likened the status of public schools to private schools so that educational facilities became equivalent.

This was stated in front of thousands of Islamic teachers, village kiai, students and their supporting communities.

"God willing, if I am elected, I promise to improve the welfare of young teachers, and will also equalize the status of public and private schools, so that every child has the same facilities in pursuing education," Anies quoted Antara as saying.

In the area nicknamed the Tempe Crypto City, Anis attended the gathering activities of village kiai and istighatsah kubro Pondok Pesantren Darul Muttaqin in Jatilaur Village, Karangan District.

Trenggalek Regency is one of the nahdliyin base areas that has many Islamic boarding schools.

Not only promising welfare for madratsah educators, Anies also promised to guarantee the availability of fertilizer for farmers.

He said, the matter of the availability of fertilizers that the farmer community often complains about. Anies said that he and vice presidential candidate Muhaimin Iskandar had serious attention in dealing with the problem of farmers.

He also promised to guarantee the willingness of fertilizer so that there are no more complaints about rare fertilizers. Including, continuing the programs that have been planned in the national program regarding infrastructure development in the southern region.

"What has been planned by the government program will be continued, if we succeed in winning the 2024 election," he added.

Regarding the projected vote acquisition in East Java, Anies admitted that he was optimistic that the chance of winning the AMIN pair in East Java would increase.

Moreover, plus the militancy of party machines that continue to move, conveying the vision and mission that is carried makes him even more optimistic.

According to him, the people of East Java, especially in the southern part, want Amin's change program.

"Since the enthusiasm came, there has been a lot of enthusiasm. This shows that more people in East Java, especially the southern part who see change as one of the ways forward," he said.

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