JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said there was an increase in the confiscation of state assets in handling money laundering cases (TPPU) by 10.8 percent in the 2023 period. The amount reached Rp443 billion. "The value of the assets confiscated in 2023 also increased by Rp443 billion to 10.8 percent," said Sigit during a year-end release (RAT) at the National Police Headquarters, Wednesday, December 27. The number of confiscations of these assets was based on the results of the disclosure of 155 cases of TPPU. Then, the National Police, which joined the Task Force for Handling State Claims for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund (BLBI Task Force), helped to pursue the target issued by the Ministry of Finance. Where, from the planned billing target of reaching Rp110.45 trillion, almost in part has been fulfilled.

"From the total BLBI bill target set by the Ministry of Finance of 110.45 trillion, currently, there are assets worth 35.02 trillion or 31.71 percent of the Ministry of Finance's target that have been successfully returned to the state," he said. of the tens of billions of bills that have been obtained, some of the assets of related parties were confiscated in 2023. "Where, IDR 14.57 trillion of them will be carried out in 2023," said Sigit.

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