JAKARTA - Executive Director of Indonesian Political Indicators Burhanuddin Muhtadi views that the 2024 presidential election debate held by the General Election Commission (KPU) will not change the electability map of each pair of presidential-vice presidential candidates. Because, based on the results of the poll, the distribution of support for pairs of presidential-cawapres currently did not experience much significant changes compared to before the debate event was held. "In general, our society already has a choice, although it does not mean there is no effect. The minimum effect debate," said Burhanuddin in the presentation of the virtual survey, quoted on Wednesday, December 27. In the poll of Indonesian Political Indicators, respondents assessed that the appearance of the most skilled presidential candidate in the first debate was Anies Baswedan. Meanwhile, the most skilled vice presidential candidate was Gibran Rakabuming Raka. In detail, as many as 35.5 percent of respondents who watched the debate chose Anies Baswedan as the best-performing presidential candidate. Followed by Prabowo Subianto by 28.9 percent and Ganjar Pranowo 26.9 percent. Meanwhile, in the vice presidential debate, 56 percent of respondents who witnessed the debate chose Gibran as the best performer. Followed by Mahfud MD with a gain of 24.2 percent, and Muhaimin Iskandar 12.3 percent. However, although Anies was considered the most skilled in the appearance of the debate, the majority of Prabowo and Ganjar voter voter's voter base did not switch their support. Likewise with the vice presidential debate that Gibran outperformed in the survey. The majority of muhaimin and Mahfud MD voters did not turn away in favor of Gibran. Our presidential decree, they could consider Anies superior. But the debate of cawapres is not as well as their running, Muhaimin is considered the winner. It turns out that the data is like this. So, this shows that the community is able to think complex, "he continued.

It is known, the survey was conducted on December 23-24 involving 1,217 respondents as samples who are Indonesian citizens aged 17 years and over or married or have a telephone. Survey is conducted by interviewing respondents by telephone. Respondents were selected through the dialing and double sampling random digit method. The survey margin of error is estimated at a minimum of 2.9 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.

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