JAKARTA - Head of the Indonesian National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Komjen Pol. Mohammed Rycko Amelza Dahniel said his institution would conduct an assessment of places of worship and public spaces to ensure security ahead of Christmas 2023 and New Year 2024.

"Facing Christmas 2023 and New Year 2024 or commonly known as Nataru. We must be able to ensure security. We will carry out an assessment of the security system in places of worship and places of worship," Rycko said in a written statement received in Jakarta, Sunday, December 24.

In addition to ensuring the safety of Christmas and New Year's 2024, the Head of BNPT also hopes that the 2024 General Election will run smoothly and be free from attacks of violence or acts of terror.

"Secondly, we also want to ensure that the implementation of the 2024 General Election in February runs smoothly and peacefully without attacks of violence and terror attacks," said Rycko.

He emphasized that the legal basis for protecting the facilities and infrastructure of vital objects is regulated in BNPT Regulation Number 3 of 2020 concerning Guidelines for the Protection of Vital Object Facilities and Infrastructure that are Strategic and Public Facilities in the Prevention of Terrorism Crimes.

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