JAKARTA - The National Campaign Team or TKN Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka, responded to the presidential candidate's proposal number 3, Ganjar Pranowo, so that the 2024 presidential election debate would be increased for more questions and answers between candidate pairs (paslon).

TKN has no problem with any debate format set by the Indonesian KPU. Provided, Deputy Communications Commander of TKN Prabowo-Gibran, Herzaky Mahendra Putra, assessed that the debate format should not be out of the stipulated rules.

"For us, what the format is, just be free. The important thing is in accordance with the rules and according to their essence. The people can better understand what the candidate pairs' future plans are for Indonesia, for the people," Herzaky told reporters, Sunday, December 17.

Herzaky also reminded that changing the format of debate should not only follow the tastes of certain parties. Moreover, to increase the electability of the proposer.

"It's not changing this for the benefit or according to the tastes of certain parties. Moreover, there may be those who really hope that the debate can help increase their electability," said Herzaky.

"We just follow the format designed by the KPU. It must be in accordance with existing regulations," he added.

Previously, Ganjar Pranowo responded to the suggestion of the Prabowo-Gibran camp which wanted the next debate fotmat with the town hall concept. Ganjar admitted that he and Mahfud MD were ready in any format decided by the KPU.

"If the model is anywhere, I just go along. The town hall model is okay, the usual stage model is okay, the important thing for me is actually not the place, the debate is like that," said Ganjar in his statement, Sunday, December 17.

Even so, he gave notes to the KPU regarding the debate of the first session on December 12. According to him, the previous debate had limitations for the 2024 presidential election contestants to ask each other questions and answer questions.

"The debate, yes, may ask questions and answer a little bit so that we can each convey our thoughts, can defend, can show data, and it can be repeated," said Ganjar.

"Yesterday, there were only two questions (an answer between contests), then there are those who will definitely try us to clarify. Especially we only need the public to say this attitude, yes or no," he continued.

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