JAYAPURA - Customs and Excise together with other stakeholders are trying to tighten supervision of the entry and exit of illegal goods on the border of the Republic of Indonesia (RI)-Papua New Guinea (PNG).

"The RI-PNG border area is prone to smuggling, for example goods from PNG such as fire, Masohi wood to marijuana-type narcotics," said Jayapura Customs Chief Adeltus Lolok, Friday, December 15, confiscated by Antara.

Adeltus menambahkan, untuk kasus narkotika dan psychotropic yang berhasil diamankan langsung dikerahkan ke Polri untuk diproses lebih lanjut.

Throughout 2023, Jayapura Customs and Excise in collaboration with the TNI-Polri have secured 95 grams of methamphetamine (shabu-shabu) from Malaysia, 24 kg of marijuana from Papua New Guinea (PNG), and 1,240 kg of masohi wood and two rounds of ammunition, said Adeltus.

The Head of Jayapura Customs added that apart from supervising the entry and exit of goods at the RI-PNG border, his party also did the same thing to goods entering from outside Jayapura, especially goods that were not licensed or had excise stamps.

There are several types of items that were found illegal so that they were secured, for example, iris tobacco, alcoholic beverages such as Balinese wine and beer from PNG and cigarettes.

These items, after receiving status as state property (BMN), were then destroyed.

"Bea Excise Jayapura, Wednesday (13 December) has destroyed products that are circulated without excise stamps, aka innocent, so that they are detrimental to state finances, such as 246 bottles (127 liters) of Balinese wine and alcoholic beverages from PNG, 2,700 illegal cigarettes and 34 kg of tobacco slices," explained Adeltus Lolok.

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