JAKARTA - Presidential candidate (candidate) number three, Ganjar Pranowo reminded that social assistance (bansos) must be distributed on target. His giving should not be recognized as giving the president.

This was conveyed by Ganjar when he visited Bung Karno's Assistance House in Rengasdengklok, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan 33, Rengasdengklok Utara, Karawang, Friday, December 15. He said, social assistance has been budgeted by the state cannot be claimed and this will be corrected if he is elected with Mahfud MD.

"Yes, social assistance is for the people and has been budgeted. So it doesn't have a president," Ganjar told reporters as quoted from his written statement.

Ganjar said that combining data is indeed a homework that must be done. So, he made him plan One Indonesian Data and the program is the Indonesian Integrated Card Card Card Card (SAKTI).

This card will later be used in the population data collection process to receive social assistance from the government.

In addition, the SAKTI Card will also be used to facilitate public service affairs, from the central to regional governments.

It is known that PDIP politician Rieke Diah Pitaloka had asked Ganjar to pay attention to the distribution of social assistance when elected. People who really need it must get it.

In addition, he also asked for gifts not to be claimed as presidential assistance when the former Governor of Central Java was elected later. This request was conveyed by Rieke during a speech to Ganjar in Bekasi Regency, West Java on Thursday, December 14.

"Social assistance is a promise, yes, if you become president, don't hold the president, you know, social assistance. Social assistance doesn't have a president, it doesn't have a president's son. Promise, you know, "said Rieke at the time.

Rieke reminded that social assistance was indeed budgeted by the state. However, the money comes from taxes paid by the community so that the distribution must be appropriate.

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