JAKARTA - Presidential candidate number 1, Anies Baswedan emphasized that competition in the 2024 presidential election contestation is not a joke.

Anies admitted that he showed this with remarks from one presidential candidate and another in the inaugural 2024 presidential candidate debate on Tuesday, December 12.

"Let's think seriously that our future, the leader who will be assigned, is a leader who must take serious care of and must be prepared seriously," said Anies while continuing his campaign in Pekanbaru, Riau, Wednesday, December 13.

Then, from the implementation of the presidential and vice presidential debates that will last for five times, Anies hopes that people, especially those who have not made a choice, can support serious presidential candidates in leading the country.

"We all believe that in the end the community will look for seriousness that this presidential election is not a joke. This presidential election is something serious," he said.

The inaugural presidential candidate debate last night raised the theme of law and human rights, government, eradication of corruption, strengthening democracy, improving public services, and harmony of citizens.

After last night's debate, Anies mentioned ethics in state management. Anies emphasized that there is no compromise on irregularities that can have a big impact on society.

Anies also underlined the issue of freedom of opinion in a democratic country. The public must clearly see the ideas of the presidential candidates through a new debate.

"Earlier, the discussion was exciting, and the basic principles I think the public can see. Earlier I told young friends to compare, which one is really serious about returning this country to law and maintaining freedom of opinion, and which one is serious about maintaining ethics," explained Anies.

In last night's debate, one of the highlights was Prabowo Subianto's 'attack' on Anies about democracy. Prabowo said that without democracy running in the era of President Jokowi, it was impossible for Anies to become governor of DKI in 2017.

Regarding the question and answer with Prabowo regarding the opposition, Anies emphasized that the position was equally honorable with the position of the coalition in the government.

"We say that the opposition is equally honorable. There are only those who can't stand being the opposition, and I say that is what contributes to our democracy," explained Anies.

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