JAKARTA - Chairman of the National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas PA), Lia Latifah revealed that Devi Manisha (previously written by Devnisa Putri), the wife of Panca Darmansyah, was still recovering from health after returning from the hospital.

Pascapenetapan tersangka Panca Darmansyah, keterangan Devi sangat diperlukan oleh petugas sebagai proses hukum, agar kasus ini tuntas dan terang jembang. Kendati demikian, Devi masih dinyatakan belum pulih sepenuhnya.

"His condition is still not stable, yes, because he must have experienced extraordinary trauma," Lia told reporters at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Tuesday, December 12.

Lia assessed that Devi's trauma was very deep. How not, the four children who were born and raised were full of love, gone forever in such a heinous way. Moreover, her husband did it.

"At the funeral, his condition was very sad. So indeed we offer it for psychological assistance," said Lia.

Regarding his physical condition, continued Lia, Devi has started to improve. He even couldn't see any bruises anymore.

"It can't be seen, yes, the bruises on his face. Because there was some time yesterday he was hospitalized. When he talked about the child, he still couldn't. So, his condition is now better," he concluded.

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