YOGYAKARTA Japan is starting to enter the snowfall season. However, this condition does not change the enthusiasm of the Indonesian people to go on vacation to the country. In fact, Japan is one of Asia's best winter destinations in the world. If you plan to take a vacation or visit, know some information related to winter in Japan.

Please note that winter in Japan usually occurs from December to March. In that season the temperature will be very cold. Japan's winter temperature also varies depending on the region. However, the average winter temperature in Japan can reach 10°C to -20°C.

At the same time, the weather will be quite dry as well as cold, especially at night. The sun will also set faster than usual so that street lights and shops will turn on faster than usual.

In addition, white snow will also accumulate outdoors, especially in the Tohoku and Hokkaido areas. Both are known to be the northernmost areas in Japan which are known to have lower temperatures and longer than other regions.

To face Japan's winter, tourists from Indonesia are advised to wear thick and warm clothes. Also prepare your t-shirts and head coverings to keep them warm.

During the snow season, many festivals are held in Japan. This moment also attracts tourists from abroad. In the festival will not only be presented with bright lamp decorations, tourists can enjoy art exhibitions to sculpture exhibitions made of snow. Many are also sold in warm delicious foods and special entertainment typical of Japan.

One of the recommendations for a holiday in Japan winter is visiting Sapporo. In the city there is the largest snow festival. Usually the Japanese snow festival is held in February. One of the highlights is that during winter, the air temperature in Sapporo is actually relatively warmer than other regions in Japan.

Apart from Sapporo, tourists are advised to take a trip to Tokyo. In this city the weather is also warmer than Sapporo. However, tourists are still advised to wear adequate warm clothes so they don't chill.

Japan is also known for its warm baths originating from geothermal sources. Not only fresh, warm water in Japan is also rich in minerals, so it is very good for health, including relaxation.

One that can be visited for a warm bath in Japan is the Ginzan Hot Waterfall (Onsen). The bathing is located in the mountains of Yamagata Prefecture.

That's information regarding winter in Japan. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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