JAKARTA - A number of activists who are members of the 98 National Activists Network (Jarnas) witnessed the inaugural debate of the 2024 Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates organized by the Indonesian General Elections Commission (KPU) at the Kompas Gramedia Tower, Tuesday, December 12.

Secretary General (Sekjen) Jarnas 98, Alexander Adi Saputra said, at least 30 activists who are members of Jarnas 98 attended the invitation to watch the inaugural debate of the Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates at the Kompas Tower. Alex assessed this joint viewing event as a form of attention from the Indonesian broadcasting world to the sustainability of the country's future.

"This nobar really helped us witness Pak Prabowo's appearance in the inaugural debate at the KPU. We believe Pak Prabowo is able to amaze the Indonesian people," Alexander said in a written statement in Jakarta.

Jarnas 98, continued Alex, became the core part of the Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN), after General Chairperson (Ketum) Jarnas 98, Sangap Surbakti was chosen as Deputy Commander of the Prabowo-Gibran TKN Raising.

"Bung Sangap has joined the KPU. Well, we at the Kompas Tower witnessed this debate. Because the quota allowed to enter the KPU, we chose to come here," said Alexander.

Prabowo, said Alex, is believed to be the figure awaited by the Indonesian people. Therefore, this inaugural debate is the first step to raise the level of real electability.

"This is an official debate. What is conveyed on this stage is a reference for what future Indonesian leaders will be like. That's why the appearance on the debate stage greatly affects the electability of candidates," he said.

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