JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asked the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH) to be careful in managing people's funds amounting to Rp165 trillion.

"This is a huge amount of funds that are managed. So I entrust it, be careful managing the money at BPKH," said President Jokowi when delivering directions at the 2023 BPKH Working Meeting at the State Palace, Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, December 12.

President Jokowi said that the hajj funds must be really managed professionally by prioritizing accountability in Islamic principles.

The President assessed that the management of Hajj funds, which was 75 percent of which were invested in State Sharia Securities (SBSN) and two percent were allocated for direct and safe investments.

"Don't let it be like the others, (the funds) are invested in stocks, whose shares are then 'fryed' so the money is lost. Remember (the case) Jiwasraya, I always remind you not to be like that," said President Jokowi.

President Jokowi also appreciated the establishment of a subsidiary of an investment company, BPKH Limited, to be more streamlined, not increase the length of the existing bureaucracy so that everything can be managed professionally.

The cost of organizing the hajj has been set by the government and the DPR-RI, which is IDR 93.4 million, of which 40 percent of which are fulfilled from the investment proceeds of Hajj funds managed by BPKH.

In this case, President Jokowi asked BPKH not only to focus on patching the lack of costs for departing pilgrims, but also the greater value of benefits for pilgrims waiting in long queues while still paying attention to the sustainability of managed hajj finances.

"If possible (BPKH also contributes) to the development of the sharia economy which is also good, because the potential is still large, both in the financial sector, in the halal industry, and others. I am sure that BPKH can carry out its duties with full trust and responsibility," said President Jokowi.

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