JAKARTA - A number of notes have colored the performance of the House of Representatives (DPR) for the 2019-2024 period. The wrong note is the supervisory function.

There have been many important events that have occurred since the last four years. In fact, in 2020 the DPR RI will have to work hard with the problem of the COVID-19 pandemic that rocked Indonesia.

Executive Director of Indonesia Political Opinion (IPO) Dr. Dedi Kurnia Syah sees the position of the DPR in carrying out its performance is quite dilemmatic. Especially if the limit is this year.

"I think it is quite a dilemma if the limit is 2023, but if the possible range can be extended, for example since early 2019, there may be some things that are quite interesting," said Dedi when contacted, Sunday, December 10.

Dedi said that the DPR had faced a number of major problems since the beginning of the inauguration. One of them is when Indonesia was rocked by a pandemic. The DPR must participate in supervising social policies related to the people.

"For example, when entering the first period in the first year, the DPR has faced its name pandemic, then policies related to the pandemic appear and then make it easier to help social communities," he said.

Nevertheless, Dedi saw that the DPR's supervision of several government policies was still not optimal. One of them is related to the Defense Minister's food estate program.

"If we want to talk about the lack of maximum supervision. That means there is at least that. But I think it is more visible that the DPR does not carry out surveillance at all. For small examples, it is related to how the government implements its programs that are deemed unsuccessful. There are still no problems that have recently been busy, for example about food estate," he said.

However, another view was conveyed by a social observer, Dr Salman M.S. Salman assessed that the DPR had carried out a lot of support for monitoring major problems. For example, the case of Ferdy Sambo which shook the Indonesian people so much.

According to him, the DPR dared to provide support for cases that befell high-ranking officials. He really appreciates the performance of this DPR.

"Then the Sambo case and then the support carried out by the DPR, especially in Commission III, I think this is something extraordinary. What has been, maybe, if it happened to high-ranking officials such as Teddy Minahasa and Sambo, it might be covered. But in this period, especially in this third period I really appreciate it," said Salman.

In addition, he also appreciated the supervision of corruption cases involving ASN Ministry of Agriculture. He gave a thumbs up for the DPR's support for these cases. For example, such as the case of Rafael Alun to ASN in the regions.

"Including the case of Rafael Alun. Not even only Rafael Alun. For example, there are cases of employees of the Ministry of Finance in Yogyakarta and Makassar. This is interesting to support from the DPR for this period. I give a thumbs up on what they are doing," he said.

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