WONOGIRI SM alias Raja Tega (35) was arrested by the Wonogiri Police Resmob for a serial murder case that started with debt receivables. Wonogiri Police Chief AKBP Andi Muhammad Indra Waspada Amirullah revealed that Raja Tega was listed as a resident of Girifarto District, Wonogiri Regency, Central Java.

The victims of the murder of Raja Tega are AS (47) a resident of Klaten and S (47) a resident of Jatipurno sub-district, Wonogiri Regency.

Andi explained that the disclosure of this case began with the disclosure of a criminal case of theft with a weight carried out by the King of Tega in the Ngadirojo area, Wonogiri.

"Starting from there, the Wonogiri Police Resmob received information that this perpetrator had a problem with victim S. From the results of the investigation, this perpetrator has a relationship with the disappearance of S. Well, armed with CCTV footage and evidence of threats via SMS originating from the perpetrator's cellphone, members interrogated the perpetrator until the perpetrator finally admitted that his actions had killed S on April 27, 2022," said AKBP Andi in a written statement, Monday, December 11.

Furthermore, members asked the perpetrators to show where he hid the body of the US victim.

Armed with the perpetrator's confession, members finally asked again about the loss of the US (47) which was based on a family report in 2021 at the Wonogiri Police. The US last said goodbye to his family to collect debts from the perpetrators. Finally, the perpetrator admitted that he had lost US lives and had buried his body in a field, he added

Based on the perpetrator's confession, Wonogiri Police officers assisted by local residents evacuated a number of bodies buried in a garden in Semagar Village, Girimarto District, Wonogiri Regency. The bodies are suspected of being victims of premeditated murder committed by SM alias Raja Tega with a debt mode of receivables

Chronology Reveals Case

The King of Tega is suspected of having committed theft in the Ngadirojo area. After developing the information obtained, the perpetrator had a problem with victim S Jatipuro, who was previously reported missing in 2022.

From the results of the investigation, it was found that Raja Tega was suspected of missing the victim. Then the development was carried out and investigators got directions on evidence related to the black Honda Beat motorcycle used by the victim when leaving the house.

Furthermore, an in-depth examination of the King of Tega and other witnesses was carried out.

The suspect admitted the actions he had committed and showed the location of the execution and disposal of the victim's body, and from the results of the development of the search for evidence, a piece of bone was obtained which allegedly belonged to the victim, according to the confession of the suspect when he dumped the victim's body.

"The investigator admitted that he was annoyed that the victim was constantly billed. The perpetrator finally gave the victim a drink that had been mixed with potassium (potassium cyanide) so that he died and then his body was buried in the garden" concluded the Police Chief

"In addition to being upset and being billed continuously, the suspect is also afraid of being reported by the victim to law enforcement, so this victim is poisoned," he said.

For the act of taking life, the suspect was charged with Articles 339 and 340 of the Criminal Code regarding premeditated murder, with the threat of punishment in the form of death penalty or life imprisonment or for a certain period of up to 20 years.

Investigators from the Wonogiri Police Satreskrim are still investigating and developing related to the possibility of other victims.

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