JAKARTA - The term of service of the House of Representatives (DPR) for the 2019-2024 period will end next year. The performance of the DPR for this period has drawn appreciation for producing quality legislative products. However, there are still a number of aspects that are noted.

A number of important Draft Laws (RUU) in this period are still not passed. For example, such as the Indigenous Peoples Bill, the Asset Confiscation Bill to the Housework Protection Bill. Ironically, the Omnibus Law on Job Creation that smoothly legalizes the process has actually received the spotlight because of the controversial articles.

However, despite all that, the DPR for this period has given birth to 70 laws. Some of them are even considered as quite revolutionary laws. One of them is the Law on the Crime of Sexual Violence (TPKS). A number of observers also appreciated the performance of this DPR.

One of them is a social observer, Dr Salman M.S. Salman assessed that the DPR's performance in producing UU products needs to be appreciated. Although there are still crucial bills that have not been passed.

"The IKN Bill and then the ASN tenant, that's what I think is crucial, which must be resolved. Because if it is not resolved, it will be a problem," he said when contacted, Saturday, December 9.

He did see that in terms of quantity, the product of legislation has indeed decreased. However, from the few there is a quality law. The DPR is considered to be more focused on the quality of the law.

"The quantity is indeed reduced. For example, from the priority prolegnas there are around 20, but only a few have realized. But in this perspective, I see that maybe what Baleg DPR has explained, maybe they are more focused on the quality of the law itself," he said.

Salman also said that the DPR is quite accommodative in accommodating the aspirations of the people. However, it cannot be denied that there is indeed a law that is quite highlighted.

"So far, it is enough to accommodate aspirations. Although there are several things, for example related to the KPK Law. This is the spotlight of anti-corruption activists. But I think that is a choice that must be chosen from existing options," he explained. This appreciation was also conveyed by the Independent Mediator for Victims of Sexual Violence, Agustrijanto. He said that the DPR's efforts in passing the TPKS Law should be appreciated.

"The name of the results of the business must be appreciated. The DPR has made this effort to be respected. The DPR also does not work alone. The point is that there is good intentions and i' good faith," he said.

He explained that the law is always problematic in its enforcement. There are articles that sometimes become political games.

However, Agustrijanto said that the TPKS Law is one of the laws that accommodates sufficient problems on the ground. Mainly for victims of sexual violence. However, the shortage of this law has not been seen enough because it has only been ratified for one year.

"If asked is quite accommodative? Yes, it is quite accommodative. This means that when it has been ratified, it must be implemented. Is there a shortage? This is 2022. This is only one year. So we can't say this is very good in the field," he said.

Apart from appreciation, the DPR's performance also received several notes. One of them is related to the controversial law. Director of Executive Indonesia Political Opinion (IPO) Dr. Dedi Kurnia Syah gave an example by ratifying the Job Creation Law. He highlighted the independence of the DPR when the government issued the Job Creation Perppu.

"The government proposed a new one and then a job creation perppu emerged, which means this shows that the DPR in terms of performance seems not independent and seems to have no freedom to determine what they want to do," he said.

He also said that the DPR's performance could easily be seen from the level of satisfaction with the government. "When asked about the most realistic satisfaction for the DPR, it is seen that satisfaction with the government while satisfaction with the government is good, it means work in the DPR," he said.

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