JAKARTA The riddle of the death of four minors in the rented house of Gang Roman, Jalan Kebagusan Raya, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta was revealed. Panca Darmansyah as the biological father was named a suspect by the South Jakarta Metro Police. It is said that Panca was the perpetrator of the murder of her four children.

Since this case was revealed, Wednesday, December 6, news has circulated that Panca Darmansyah was the perpetrator of the deaths of four children, Viona Audrey (6), Sopiya (4), Arsa (3) and Aska (1). One of the residents said so after hearing the police officer's conversation at the scene of the case.

Even the head of the local RT named Yacob, said that the four children were killed by their father by smothering a pillow. This was discovered after Yacob heard the conversation between the police and the perpetrators.

According to Yacob, at that time the police had asked the perpetrator for information when he wanted to be taken to the hospital because of a sharp weapon wound while trying to commit suicide.

"In his statement (the perpetrator when asked by the police) his children were smothered with pillows. I heard earlier when I was told to enter (the victim's house)," Yacob said when confirmed, Thursday, December 7.

Yacob suspects that the motive for the perpetrator to commit this heinous act was due to economic factors. The reason is that he has not paid the rent which has been running for 6 months.

Moreover, last week he committed acts of domestic violence (KDRT) against his wife, Devnisa Putri.

"Yes, maybe the economy, what is clear is the economy. Because it has not been paid for 6 months, this is a rented house. He has only paid for 3 months. The work of the perpetrator was a taxi driver, and now he is unemployed. He picked up his wife for work while he was unemployed," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Bintoro, said that his party is still investigating Panca.

"It's still being investigated (the perpetrator's statement). For now, we are still working." short AKBP Bintoro.

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