TANGERANG One female inmate at the Class IIA Tangerang Prison is suspected of escaping on Wednesday, December 6. Tangerang Class II A Kalapas, Yekti confirmed the information. Currently, his party is still in the process of being searched for the escaped prisoner.

"Untuk kondisi terkini kami masih dalam proses pencarian lebih lanjut," kata Yekti saat dikonfirmasi, Kamis, 7 Desember.

Yekti also said that her party had collaborated with other law enforcement officers (APH) in the search. The goal is to speed up the search for the prisoner.

"We have also synergized with APH," he said.

Yekti asked for her time to return to arrest the escaped prisoner. He hopes that his party will quickly arrest the prisoner and APH.

"Please pray and support. Thank you," he concluded.

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