Three fake police officers with the initials AP (36), DP (18), and WN (18) are still undergoing investigation at the Palmerah Police Criminal Investigation Unit on Thursday, December 5.

The three of them acted as fake police officers by claiming to be drug buses to rob their victims. The incident occurred on Jalan Brigadier General Katamso, South Bambu City Village, Palmerah District.

"From the results of the investigation, the perpetrators have acted at least 30 times in the Palmerah, Tanah Abang, and Grogol Petamburan (Gropet) areas," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Palmerah Police, AKP Rachmad Wibowo during confirmation.

Even from the results of the examination, the suspects with the initials AP and DP are two different case recidivist people.

"The suspect with the initials AP was imprisoned for seven years for a beating. Meanwhile, the suspect with the initials DP was arrested in a case of confiscation and abuse of the tramadol type of hard drugs," he said.

The suspect with the initials AP was arrested at the scene of the incident while in action. Meanwhile, the suspect with the initials DP was arrested in the Tanah Abang Bridge area, Central Jakarta.

Meanwhile, the suspect with the initials WN was arrested in the Petamburan area, Tanah Abang District, Central Jakarta.

"The suspect WN played a role in helping the actions of his two colleagues with the initials AP and DP," he said.

Another suspect admitted that the fake police badge belonged to the perpetrators of AP.

"We urge the public to be more alert to similar acts of fraud and immediately report if they encounter suspicious incidents," he said.

Previously, it was reported that three fake police officers who often claimed to be "Drug Busers" were arrested by the Palmerah Police Criminal Investigation Unit on Wednesday, December 4.

The three perpetrators with the initials AP (36), DP (18), and WN (18) were arrested after extorting a victim named Romadoni on Jalan Brigjen Katamso, Kota Bambu Selatan Village, Palmerah District.

Palmerah Police Chief Kompol Sugiran said, in his action, the three perpetrators were moded of accusing the victim of being involved in a drug case. Then they took the victim's money and valuables.

The gang of perpetrators also randomly chose victims on the streets. After getting the target, they stopped the victim.

"They showed signs of a fake police authority badge. They accused the victim of being involved in drugs. Subsequently, they forced the victim to hand over money and valuables such as cellphones," said Kompol Sugiran when confirmed, Wednesday, December 4.

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