KARAWANG - Minister of Population and Family Development (Kemendukbangga) / Head of BKKBN, Wihaji, said that conversation in the family is very important to do to prevent violence against teenagers. This was conveyed by Wihaji during his visit to Mulyasari Village, Karawang Regency, West Java, on Wednesday, December 4, 2024.

"Families have to talk a lot. Children with parents, parents with children, husband and wife. All of this is important to create harmony in the household," said Wihaji.

According to Wihaji, many problems can actually be resolved properly if family communication goes well, including violence against teenagers. He considered that violence against teenagers usually occurs due to a lack of attention at home, which should be easily overcome in the family.

The violence that occurs in teenagers usually starts from a lack of attention at home. The solution must start from the family. Family problems are solved in the family," he said.

However, Wihaji realized that there were many challenging factors that made communication in the family not run smoothly. Such as technological and social media advances, which often take time for children so they rarely interact with their families.

Medsos (social media) has a lot of influence. Children more often vent to social media than parents. In is a challenge. We are not anti-tech, but must be wise in using it," he explained. With this problem, as a concrete step, BKKBN encourages the 'Ngobrol Together Family' movement, to continue to increase intimacy in the family. BKKBN will also try to be present to provide education to families related to care and the importance of a conducive atmosphere created at home to prevent various problems, especially violence against teenagers.

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