JAKARTA The police are still investigating the crime scene (TKP) in Roman Gang Jalan Kebagusan Raya, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, Wednesday, December 6. In the rented house, four children's bodies were found in a rotting state. Meanwhile, the father of the victim Panca Darmansyah was in the bathroom in critical condition.

Based on information at the scene. After the door to the house was broken down by residents and the police, the victim's father, who was suspected of being the perpetrator, was found by residents naked in the bathroom. He tried to kill himself by slashing his hand with a knife.

Meanwhile, the bodies of four children, Viona Audrey (6), Sopiya (4), Arsa (3), Aska (1) were found dead in half-decaying. They are in a supine condition above the case, lined up in the corner of the wall.

Based on the photos received, the condition of the room looks messy. It's really sad to see the children in such a pathetic condition.

In fact, an inscription was obtained with a blood ink allegedly written by one of the victim's children. "Puas mother, tx for all" is written on the floor of the crime scene.

Police are still investigating the scene. South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Ade Ary also arrived at the location to see the situation at the scene.

"The crime scene investigation, these four children are children from P and his wife D. Found lined up in beds in a dead condition. Currently, we are still closing the crime scene, then a crime scene will be processed. We will carry out an interfection collaboration between doctors and then Labfor. We will also conduct a forensic psychologist examination", explained Kombes Ade Ary.

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