3 Children In Jakarta Infected With Mycopalasma Pneumoniae, Here's The Condition
Illustration of children in hospital treatment (ANTARA)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health received reports that 3 children in Jakarta were infected with the pneumoniae mycoplasma bacteria.

"There has been a verbal report. Now it is being confirmed to a health facility. We will submit an official release. The incoming data is not complete," said Director of Disease Prevention and Control of the Ministry of Health, Imran Pambudi in a short message, Wednesday, December 6.

Imran revealed the condition of the child infected with mysterious pneumonia that has soared in China. Currently, the three children experience mild symptoms.

"Light symptoms and outpatients," said Imran.

As a form of government preparedness in anticipating the transmission of Mycoplasma pneumonia in Indonesia, the Ministry of Health has issued Circular Number: PM.03.01/C/4632/2023 concerning Vigilance of Mycopalasma Pneumonia in Indonesia.

"The issuance of the circular aims to anticipate the spread of pneumonia in Indonesia," said Director General of Disease Prevention and Control of the Indonesian Ministry of Health Maxi Rein Rondonuwu in his statement.

China first reported an increase in disease cases such as influenza compared to the last three years, in October 2023. A month later, China's Health Commission reported an increase in incidents of respiratory diseases, especially in children later referred to as undiagnostic pneumonia'' in children in North China. They even had to close schools to prevent the spread of disease.

The report from China identified several bacteria and viruses that cause pneumonia in the child, namely Mycoplasma pneumoniae, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and SARS COV-2.

Launching an epidemiological report, there is currently an increase in pneumonia cases due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae in China by 40 percent and others in the form of influenza, SARS COV-2 and so on.

Mycoplasma pneumoniae kemudian menjadi perhatian publik karena situasitasnya sangat mirip dengan peristiwa pandemi COVID-19. Beritaan terkait Mycopplasma pneumoniae di Indonesia pun cukup masif dalam beberapa pekan ke belakang.

The recent spike in Mycoplasma pneumonia cases in China has made people worried, including in Indonesia. Especially after the DKI Jakarta Health Office found the Mycoplasma bacteria found in several cases.

Like other respiratory tract diseases, Mycoplasta bacteria also cause disease by damaging the respiratory system layer from the throat, lungs, or throat stems.

In addition, Mycoplasma pneumoniae transmission can also occur through direct contact with droplets originating from the nose or throat of infected people when coughing or sneezing.

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