JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono admitted that he was not aware of any milk-sharing activity carried out by cawapres number 2, Gibran Rakabuming Raka during car free day (CFD).

Gibran distributed milk to the community in the CFD area of Jalan MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta, Sunday, December 3 morning.

This activity is in the spotlight of the General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu). Bawaslu is currently examining elements of election violations because there is a ban on campaigns in the sports area.

"I don't know. (I) am still sleeping, yes," said Heru at the East Pluit Reservoir Pump Station, North Jakarta, Tuesday, December 5.

Related to this, Heru gave it entirely to Bawaslu to check whether there was an element of the campaign for the distribution of milk by President Joko Widodo's son in his area.

"There is Bawaslu. Ask Bawaslu," continued Heru.

On Sunday, December 3, Gibran distributed free milk to residents in the CFD area or motorized vehicle free day (HBKB) on Jalan MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta.

This activity was carried out by Gibran on the sixth day of the 2024 presidential election campaign period. However, Gibran emphasized that the distribution of free milk in the CFD area was not a campaign activity that was usually accompanied by an invitation to vote.

"It's without the APK ( campaign props). This is empty and we don't do taxation for voting or anything, right. No," said Gibran at the CFD location, Jalan MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta, Sunday, December 3.

In this activity, Gibran, who was accompanied by his wife, Selvi Ananda, distributed milk and greeted the community from the front of the Sari Pacific Hotel to Sarinah. Several residents asked for a photo with President Joko Widodo's son.

Gibran then explained the reason why he distributed free milk to people who were exercising in the CFD area. According to him, CFD is the most appropriate location to visit large numbers of people.

"Yes, we choose the closest location and the most mass. One of our programs is a free lunch and milk program," he said.

The Coordinator of the DKI Jakarta Bawaslu Violation Handling Division, Benny Sabdo, said that his party was investigating the alleged election violation from the activity.

Benny revealed that Bawaslu is investigating whether Gibran's milk distribution activities to people in the CFD area contain elements of a political campaign or not. If proven campaign, Gibran clearly violates the rules.

This is because the implementation of CFD should not be colored by political activities. It is stated in Article 7 of Governor Regulation Number 12 of 2016 concerning the Implementation of Motor Vehicle Free Day, it is stated that the HBKB should not be used for the benefit of political parties and SARA as well as an inciting invitation oration.

"We are still investigating. In principle, the CFD arena is not allowed for campaign activities, both presidential/cawapres and legislative candidates," said Benny.

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