South Tangerang BPBD And SAR Team Find Bodies Of Restaurant Employees Dragged By The Current Of The Sasak Ciputat River
South Tangerang BPBD And SAR Team Find Bodies Of Restaurant Employees Dragged By The Current Of The Sasak Ciputat River/ Photo: IST

TANGERANG After several days of disappearance Mohamad Shohibul Huda was found. Unfortunately, the employee at a restaurant in the Ciputat area, South Tangerang (Tangsel) has died. Only his body was found by BPBD officers in the Menteng River, Bintaro, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang, Tuesday, December 5.

"Alhamdulillah, it was found about 50 minutes ago," said Danton of the South Tangerang BPBD Task Force, Wirawan, Tuesday, December 5.

Mohamad Huda was found when the janitor saw the image of the victim in the Menteng River. Based on the report, the SAR team together with the South Tangerang BPBD went to the scene to evacuate the victims.

"The victim was found 10 kilometers from the scene. In the Taman Menteng River, Bintaro Pondok Aren," he said.

Currently, the victim's body has been taken to the Kedaung, Pamulang, South Tangerang Health Center and then taken to the funeral home and buried.

"It was evacuated and taken to the Kedaung Health Center, Pamulang," he concluded.

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