JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo will inaugurate the Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (29/11). Jokowi reportedly appointed Maruli Simanjuntak.

This was conveyed by the Chairman of Commission I of the DPR Meutya Hafid when confirmed

"Yes. God willing, it will be noon," said Meutya, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 28.

Meutya asked the public to wait for President Jokowi to appoint him to fill the position of Army Chief of Staff at tomorrow's inauguration.

Meanwhile, separately, another source contacted by ANTARA said that the person who would fill the KSAD seat was the Commander of the Army Strategic Reserve Command (Pangkostrad) Lieutenant General TNI Maruli Simanjuntak.

Maruli will fill the position of Army Chief of Staff previously held by TNI General Agus Subiyanto, who has now been appointed by the President as TNI Commander.

On a separate occasion, President Joko Widodo also confirmed that Maruli Simanjuntak was one of the candidates for Kasad.

"One of the candidates (Maruli Simanjuntak)," said Jokowi.

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