TANGERANG - The General Election Commission (KPU) of Tangerang Regency has mapped out polling stations (TPS) that are prone to flooding. This is done as an anticipatory step in the 2024 general election (election).

"We have informed friends at the PPK to immediately map the TPS which is considered disaster-prone (Flood)," said Tangerang Regency KPU chairman Muhammad Umar when confirmed, Thursday, November 23.

The Tangerang Regency KPU is currently coordinating with the PPK team and also the BPBD to map the location of the TPS which is considered to be in the vulnerability of the disaster.

This step was taken, to maintain the level of voter participation in exercising their voting rights in the vote later.

"Until now, we are still waiting for reports from the PPK team in the field to check the disaster-prone locations," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Tangerang Regency BPBD, Ujat Sudrajat, admitted that he had mapped points that were prone to flooding.

As for flood-prone areas that are currently recorded, there are nine sub-districts, including those in Kelapa Dua, Legok, Curug, Tigaraksa, Jayanti, Mekar Baru, Teluknaga, Pakuhaji and Kosambi sub-districts.

"We are asking for the data or being inventoried, because the location is prone to flooding. Now some of them have been revitalized or corrected so we have a data change," he concluded.

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