JAKARTA - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin reminded the Indonesian Air Force to always check all supporting factors before undergoing training.

This was conveyed by the Vice President in response to the crash of two EMB-314 Super Tucano tactical fighter aircraft belonging to the Indonesian Air Force during a formation exercise on the slopes of Mount Bromo, Pasuruan, East Java, Thursday, November 16.

"You have to always check. If there is training, you must be ready. Do not let the plane not be good or the weather is not good," said the Vice President in his statement, Friday, November 17, quoted by Antara.

Based on information provided by the Head of the Indonesian Air Force Information Service (Kadispenau) First Marshal TNI R. Agung Sasongkojati, the accident of two Indonesian Air Force aircraft was suspected to be due to bad weather that occurred during the training.

Given that the accident in this exercise is not the first time this has happened, the Vice President also emphasized that monitoring the readiness of supporting factors before training, should not only be carried out by the internal ranks of Indonesian Air Force personnel, but also in collaboration with other relevant authorities.

"Also weather monitoring. Often (accidents occur) because the weather is not good. So cooperation with BMKG and other parties (it is important to do)," said the Vice President.

According to the Vice President, maintenance and rejuvenation of training facilities and infrastructure must continue to be carried out to ensure the readiness of the quality of the tools to be used.

"All equipment must be re-examined, reassessed, whether it is still suitable for use, including aircraft," said the Vice President.

With routine, thorough, and involving parties who are experts in their fields, the Vice President hopes that in the future there will be no more accidents in TNI training.

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