Unable To Have Documents, 12,550 Kg Of Processed Meat From Surabaya Refused To Enter Banjarmasin
UPT Barantin officers in Banjarmasin when they found processed meat shipments without documents. (ANTARA/Firman)

SOUTH KALIMANTAN - A total of 12,550 kilograms (kg) of processed meat brought from Tanjung Perak Port in Surabaya was rejected to enter Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan (Kalsel).

Head of the Technical Implementation Unit of the Indonesian Quarantine Agency (UPT Barantin) Banjarmasin, Nur Hartanto, said the processed meat did not have documents.

"The processed meat was found in two cooled trucks when we carried out surveillance on a ship docked at Trisakti Port," he said in Banjarmasin, Friday, November 17, which was confiscated by Antara.

When asked by officers about quarantine certificates from the area of origin, the owner could not show them.

Officers had detained him at the Quarantine office for a physical examination by a quarantine veterinarian.

As a result, the cargo in the two trucks consisted of nuggets, chicken sausages and other poultry preparations with a total of 12,550 kilograms.

Nur revealed that after explaining the documents for the income requirements for animal products, the owner could understand it and agree to bring the meat back to Surabaya.

In accordance with Article 45 of Law Number 21 of 2019 concerning Animal, Fish and Plant Quarantine, the owner's approval of the commodity is carried out in the form of a quarantine action in the form of refusal to return to their area of origin.

Nur Hartanto emphasized that the refusal was taken as an effort to prevent the entry and spread of quarantined animal disease pests (HPHK) to South Kalimantan, as well as carry out the mandate in monitoring food security.

Therefore, the public is advised to always comply with quarantine by reporting if they want to traffic through animal and product commodities.

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